"Camera That can Read a BOOK !!", isn't this sounds unreal ? No this is real. Yes its true now this new camera can read a book without opening it.

Sometimes we find some old books which are centuries ago delicate to read but we have to read them without damaging them.
So keeping this in mind some people from MIT University have invented a new camera that can read these books without even opening or touching them.
"I wanted to know how deeply you could read a closed book, because no one has ever tried that," researcher Barmark Heshmat said in a video published by the MIT Media Lab. A paper about the new camera was published in "Nature Communication" and notes that it uses terahertz radiation, which falls between the microwave and infrared spectrum's.
At the point when the radiation goes through the pages of a given book, it causes a pulse to bounce back towards the device at a specific frequency. Terahertz radiation responds differently when it goes up against various chemicals, so the camera utilizes a confounded calculation or algorithm to measure, interpret and make an interpretation of those frequencies to recognize the words.
The camera is so sensitive that it can also measure how long it takes the radiation to reach the various gaps between pages, thereby determining which content falls on which pages.
The research team included Barmak Heshmat, Ramesh Raskar, and Albert Redo Sanchez from MIT, and Justin Romberg and Alireza Aghasi from Georgia Tech. The camera's prototype can currently tell the difference between 20 pages and read the content on the first nine of those pages.
The researchers plan to refine the camera so that it can eventually read an entire book without ever flipping open the cover.
Watch the VIDEO for more info :
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